Thursday, September 22, 2011

The ups and downs of bilirubin, glucose, and a kiss on the ear

This week was CRAZY! I'm officially half way done with my Peds rotation and I can't begin to express how bummed I am about leaving these sweet kids!

I had some scary-ish events happen this week including being called into the nursery at 3am to assist on stabilizing a 25 week gestation baby and helping admit a 3 year old from the ED who was severely hypoglycemic, hallucinating, and screaming every few minutes while staring at a given spot in the room. Besides for the intense moments, I also had the opportunity to observe a delivery (which I almost cried at...) and have my ear kissed by a boy with Down Syndrome who ALSO had sinusitis (the OCD part of me sanitized my ear after leaving the room...I don't want to be sick AGAIN!)

I could talk about the fragility of life or even how our lives are constantly interjected with surprises, but I really think I want to talk about the love and support that we are surrounded by all the time, even if we don't notice. As a physician, I will be called at all hours of the night from concerned family members or concerned selves...on a variety of topics. In peds, I would have the luxury of hearing about your baby's stool changes, vomits, fevers, and probably anything else that can come out of said baby. On medicine I will hear about chest pain, falling, passing out, and yet again: stool changes. Being on call is a necessity and a requirement, but do we not do it because of our love and dedication to our patients? What about when we are called at 3am to help stabilize a baby born at 25 wks, isn't our sacrifice of sleep an act of love?

This week, I think I have been thinking a lot about the power of love and our love and dedication to one another. I'm excited to share my love for my patients by sacrificing my time and sleep for the well being of another. Until now, I will enjoy my sleep and try to cook as healthy as possible:)

I found a recipe for a blueberry oatmeal muffin and I plan on making a variation tonight...more recipes to follow:)

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